Alicante – Estadio Antonio Solana

Located in Alicante’s northern district of Villafranqueza, the Estadio Antonio Solana has had a chequered history since its inauguration back in 1979. It has hosted the rise and subsequent fall of Alicante Club de Fútbol, undergone an extensive regeneration and now provides a stage for a club whose controversial business model is frowned upon by many a Spanish football fan.

The Estadio Antonio Solana

This page will look at the stadium’s history and that of the senior club’s who have used it. For the 2024-25 season, the Estadio Antonio Solana will host Club de Fútbol Intercity’s home matches in the Pirmera Federación Gurpo 2. Over the next month or two, we will update this page, but in the meantime, here are some photos of the stadium to whet your appetite.

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